white naomi roses

White Naomi Roses   the delicious white rose with a unique fragrance!


Conditioning White Naomi Roses

Now you have your white naomi roses, you will need them to look their absolute best and last for the longest possible time. Before working with white naomi roses they will need conditioning properly. Please follow this step by step guide to get the best from your white naomi roses:

  • Remove the white naomi roses from their packaging.
  • Cut approximately 1½" from the bottom of the stems at a 45° angle.
  • Carefully strip the leaves from the stems - just leaving a few right at the top, beneath the flower head.
  • Remove any thorns, trying not to gauge into the woody stems.
  • Take a flower bucket and fill with boiling water & sterilising soultion. (You can use household bleach or buy sterilising powder from a 'Home Brew' shop).
  • When sterilised, tip out the water & re-fill with warm water and flower food.
  • Place the White Naomi Roses into the water, ¾ the way up the stems.
  • Your White Naomi Roses should now be left over night to hydrate correctly.
  • The roses will be ready to work with in the morning.
  • Before using the white naomi roses, carefully remove the outer guard petals with your fingers.

Top Tip!

If you find any of the white naomi roses are drooping, it is because there is an air lock in the stem & water is not reaching the flower head - this is a common problem with all roses. To remedy this, wrap the white naomi flower heads in paper, re-cut the stems and plunge into boiling water. Leave for an hour or so and this should remove the airlock. Re-cut the stems once more and they will be as good as new!

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